In the age of lockdown and homeschooling, when children aren’t getting the exercise they need and are spending more time behind screens, we must ensure they’re getting the sleep they need. During sleep, high amounts of human growth hormone (HGH) are released, which is essential in developing childrens’ brains and bodies.

This is why it is essential to get your child into a healthy sleep schedule. 

Set a bedtime (and stick to it)

Children’s sleep schedules vary according to their age and development stage. Toddlers between the ages of 3 and 5 should get 10-13 hours of sleep. Kids between 6 and 13 require 9-11 hours of sleep every night. If you have teenagers aged 14 through 17, they need 8-9 hours of sleep.

If your child is not getting enough sleep, it could impact their behaviour. Additionally, irregular bedtimes can disrupt their circadian rhythm, which hinders physical and mental functioning.

To help your child adjust to a sleep schedule, set a strict bedtime and wake-up time so that they get into a rhythm and start to feel tired around the same time each night.

Wind-down for bedtime

A consistent bedtime wind-down will signal their system that it’s almost time for bed. Create a routine of 15 to 30 minutes before bed. Consider including relaxing activities like a warm bath, listening to sleep music, or reading a bedtime story. (We love these cute brass bookmarks for bedtime books). 

Children love routine, and your child will feel more secure, comforted, and relaxed as they get ready for sleep. Don’t forget to remove all distractions like electronics and devices from the room.

Make sure their environment is conducive to sleep

Like adults, children need a sleep-friendly environment that is calm, comfortable and free from clutter. Turn your child’s bedroom into a sleep sanctuary by:

Moderating the temperature

Their room should not be too warm or cool. The optimal bedroom temperature is 18ºC.

Using soothing lighting

If your child struggles to sleep without a nightlight, choose a light with a warm colour temperature, which won’t hinder melatonin production (the sleep hormone). 

We love this book light from merci

Upgrading their bed linen

Your child’s bed linen should be comfortable, made from a breathable fabric, and the correct weight. Some children sleep better using a weighted blanket. Don’t forget the cushions! We adore the whimsical designs from Jan Constantine

Introducing a soothing scent

Fragrances such as lavender, vanilla, and bergamot can help your child sleep better. Use a pillow spray or oil diffuser to bring these soothing scents into the room.